My Background
I am grateful to have been raised in a large, free spirited Mediterranean home that was suffused with creativity and an appreciation for visual art, music and theatre, all of which became conduits for me to experience and appreciate the depths of my interior world.
My passion for creative expression, combined with my fascination about human nature and spirituality led me to study widely - Psychology, Drama and Education at The University of Cape Town, Art History at UNISA, a Licentiate in Speech and Drama at Trinity College London, Aromatherapy Training AromaSA, (Astar) Process Art Teacher Training, Family and Systems Constellation Training, Bereavement Support Training at St Luke Hospice, Trauma Training (Life Line, SAPS Victim Support Training), Coma Care Training Groote Schuur Hospital and the Sant Mat Meditation practice.
I continue to facilitate groups and individuals across diverse settings, with 30 years of experience in police station trauma centres, disadvantaged communities such as Imizamo Yethu, Capricorn Park and Mfuleni townships and The Art Well Studios on Rockhaven Farm, in the Cederberg Mountains outside Cape Town, and Sugarbush Farm, outside Lusaka.