The Therapy Process

Navigating through Life Transitions

Individuals are supported to navigate through the upheaval and, potentially, the rewards of unprecedented change and transition, catalysed by events that upend the normal trajectory of life, such as death, falling in love, divorce, illness, retrenchment, giving birth, a new job, home relocation, natural disaster and accidents. 

Life transitions are devastating and overwhelming yet they, reassuringly, tend to unfold in three stages that hold the possibility for healing, self-discovery and new beginnings.

THE ENDING can strike to us to the core in life altering ways that leave us shocked, confused and overwhelmed with compounded losses: of what was known, the self, the other,  place, role, identity and meaning.

This phase involves the appropriate support of the client to feel grounded, safe and contained enough to manage the daily challenges of life, with counselling and the practice of self-regulatory tools, such as CBT exercises, boundary-setting and self-care routines.

THE MUDDY MIDDLE  involves the incremental healing of the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical impact of loss.

This phase entails the safe, calibrated exploration of the client’s personality, behaviour patterns and unresolved dynamics, that may emanate from the past, with the intention of healing and reframing loss in new expansive ways.

THE NEW BEGINNING  naturally occurs when the client has processed the two previous stages of transition, can ‘live with the loss’ and is ready to move on.

This phase supports the envisioning and practical implementation of a new life chapter, in alignment with the client’s intrinsic values, different needs and goals.